This weekend has been surprisingly productive.
I am sat here on fresh sheets smug as a Cheshire cat with my clean shirts crisply ironed and hung in my closet awaiting whatever events this week may hold.
Today is my first road run outside and I am using Strava run app to track my progress. I think the run should be about 5/6 miles but it is varied terrain and its the incline that I need to become accustomed to along with a bigger distance than I have been doing in the gym. This week I have been averaging a 5K run per gym session making my weekly run roughly 9 miles per week. I am happy with this but conscious that I can do better. I manged 3.5 miles but Im happy at this for a first outdoor run.
Working out has become easier the last two weeks because the majority of my friends have been on a bit of a fitness kick, so working out alone is becoming a lesser occurrence and I'm enjoying the good vibe I'm getting from my friends.
On top of the good and encouraging buzz amongst the girls I'm really homing in on my eating. Apart from some dry fruit and nuts mid morning I don't have the time to snack between meals at all, and although I am usually working late and thus eating meals late that's all I'm really eating. One of my work mates brought in a cake for me Monday which I devoured but I ate it knowing I was off to the gym that evening so I like to think I have got a reasonable balance. Although on the weekends I do tend to relax a little more than my weekly routine.
With regards to saving I have been working A LOT the last two weeks and have a lot of saving planned for February. January I booked my flights for Asia this summer and had a rather unfortunate and painful bill to pay which made a dent in my all so good intentions......and my bank balance. But rather than dwell on it I'm dusting myself off and maintaining the positivity I started out with initially. I am looking into locking my savings in a 2.75% ISA the start of the tax year (April) I find MoneySavingExpert a really good resource if like me you are serious about saving.
On the spending side of things other than my two ginormous bills I could probably count on my fingers what Ive spent over January:
- Usual bills petrol, keep, phone bill.
- One impulsive purchase top from the sale on ASOS
- Some Clinique makeup remover cream (which ran out and the previous tube lasted 10 months...and I bought it from an outlet so there!)
- A replacement foundation......essential?
- A few coffees...working girl etc
- Oh and a wine bill for one night out, but having stayed sober for 3 weeks and this was extra cash I hadn't budgeted for I count this as free night out...almost.
So looking at this I think the month has been a positive one. The biggest accomplishment is not buying clothing items. For years it seems I have always bought myself a steady stream of clothes, without going into debt but not always essential. Ill admit I am getting fed up of my wardrobe but I am planning on saving a little weekly and then having a splurge closer to Spring/Summer to get my wardrobe summer ready. Until then I will be utilising what I have.
Today I got the images for this from PostSecret. If you haven't ever looked at it I urge you to look. Its an art project in which people send a secret on a postcard and each Sunday the images are updated. Some are sordid, some cheeky, some profound and some just plain weird. But I must admit to saving the odd secret that has resonated with me in some way or another.
May I also add that my title is stolen from 365 days of J which is a blog written in a bid to keep a new years resolution. If lifestyle blogs are your thing then I really think this will be for you. J is a close personal friend. To sum her up she is articulate charming and charismatic as well as enviously and effortlessly good looking. She is the sort that occupies stories that you only ever read about in novels and luck that you could only hope to encounter in the most exquisite casino. But whatever she is up to theres bound to be laughter reflection and lust for beautiful things. A good read if ever I knew of one. Do let me know what you think!
Have you set yourself any goals this year?

I love does wonders for my skin, body and mind! The only real goal I made this year was to be happier - so far so good. Cutting the negative out of my life and being around people who only lift me higher :)
I need to save some money, for things I'd like in the future, but when ever I go on a spending ban, I see something I'd like and buy it, and the ban goes out the window!
So lovely! x